Friday, March 30, 2012 | By: Kimmi

In which I realize that “Hey! I’m getting Married!”

So the wedding is in six weeks. That is what my calendar is now telling me anyhow. It is telling me that somehow 3 months have passed in this year already and now there are six weeks until I walk down the aisle to the man that I love.

How did this happen?

Let me go back a bit.

We’ve had a long engagement by most standards. We got engaged on Christmas of 2010 and decided that 2012 was enough time to plan this event while giving me time to keep my sanity and lose weight properly without trying to crash diet my way to a dress I loved. The dieting part was amazingly successful and now I am very happy with my weight and my dress. Sure I want to continue to lose until I am at what the BMI indicator says I should be but really I am satisfied that I will look good going down that aisle.

Well while I was busy working to lose the weight and busy working and living and all those other things that we all have to do…time was going by. Yes I was planning this wedding but I didn’t really realize until lately that the date is getting very close and that very soon I will have a new last name and a husband to go along with it.

That isn’t to say that I’m not excited. I am practically bouncing off the walls in happiness. There is just a lot to do and a lot to take in. For example I have a bridal shower this weekend. MY bridal shower. I have been to a million of these things. I’ve sat and watched the happy bride open gifts, played the games, and smiled as she went on about the flowers and dresses and everything. This time however…I’m the bride. It’s still weird to say that or even think it. I’m the bride.

It’s not that I haven’t thought about it. It’s not that the idea has never occurred to me in the past months, but it’s starting to feel real. I’m getting married. I’m a grown up…(sort of) When did this all happen? I guess it’s like parent’s say…you blink and the time is gone.

So now with six weeks to go I am busier than ever. A bridal shower this weekend, my bachelorette party is next weekend, I have tent rentals to finalize, photography, DJ, songs to decide on for the “must play” , songs to put down in red ink as a “Do Not Play”, deciding on the earrings I am going to wear, getting the flowers, making leis and bouquets with my grandmother when she gets in from Hawaii, spending time with my mom’s family who has not been together (as in everyone at the same time) in 33 years. It’s amazing how fast the next few weeks will go by with all that going on, especially on top of my normal daily activities of work, housework, and workouts.

But it is what it is, and as I said before I am thrilled and excited and ready to go…after all it’s going to be an amazing day!


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